The digital.auto dreamKIT
a proof-of-concept kit for automotive-grade hardware tests
Automotive-grade hardware tests
with the dreamKIT

Our PoC hardware to try out digitally developed software-defined vehicle features on a physical device.
The digital.auto dreamKIT is a proof-of-concept (PoC) hardware, providing a hands-on, physical experience for SDV applications. With the dreamKIT you can try out your digitally developed SDV features on a physical device. Therefore, it allows you to transfer your use case from the virtual exploration phase into the productization phase.
The digital.auto dreamKIT includes a vehicle computing unit, a central gateway, and a mock-up in-vehicle infotainment touch screen. dreamKIT has CAN and Ethernet interfaces to connect with external devices, that can form a Zonal E/E Architecture network topology.
The dreamKIT is a proven PoC device, which is used in multiple international show cases, as well as in different co-innovation challenges for software engineers.
Feature overview for development, experimentation, and innovation:
Seamless integration with playground.digital.auto: SDV applications developed on playground could be deployed to the dreamKIT within seconds, wirelessly using socketIO technology.
Built in SDV runtime environment: powered by Eclipse SDV solutions.
Ease of customizing and experimenting a zonal EE architecture: dreamKIT has built-in central gateway – which has CAN/ CANFD and Ethernet interfaces - to connect and expand the network topology to different zone controller ECUs
Ease of connecting an AUTOSAR embedded ECU: dreamKIT has a SDV runtime environment, that with minimal configuration (via OTA) could recognize and integrate with an external device.